SecDef's Personal Log
Posted on Fri Jun 7th, 2019 @ 5:09am by Daeren Iril
363 words; about a 2 minute read
MD-1, 1215 hours
When I have the luxury of time, as I do today, I prefer to write my log entries by hand. The act lends itself to a kind of meditative state, and I feel a sense of connection to my own thoughts that no amount of voice dictation or typing can ever convey. I'm writing with a stylus on a PADD, of course, and it will be archived as printed text, but the physical action of writing with a pen feels good.
So--at Gruzy's behest, Jonathan and I are out here in Starfleet One, at the edge of nowhere, while the crew searches for the source of a distress signal whose signature remarkably resembles the Federation's signal pattern.
I don't know what to make of that, nor do I care to spend time in fruitless speculation. I shall find out what is going on when or soon after the crew does.
I could wish I were back aboard my old ship, the Vigilance. The Vidge was not a new ship; she had her odd quirks--but she was lean and mean and could turn on a coin, the hallmark of the Defiant class. Gods, I miss her.
The ship I'm on? She's as fast as trouble can fly--but she's bloated. What in perdition possessed Gruzy to follow through with Lesia Enaren's outrageous design specs? Do we really need to have the entire 15th floor of the Palais de la Concorde reproduced on Starfleet One? Do we really need the entirety of the Federation Council Chamber installed here? The extravagance astounds me. This vessel's primary mission is transport. It is not meant--as far as I am aware--to be a secondary housing for the Federation government.
To my mind it is not meant for luxury, either, though it has that in plenty. Two thousand cabins for diplomats. Who ever heard of such a thing? This isn't a starship; it's a warp-capable convention center.
I think I shall privacy-lock this entry, lest Admiral Teagarden happen across it. It's not done to insult a captain's ship. As some of the Earth people are wont to say: "Them's fighting words."