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Posted on Wed Jan 29th, 2020 @ 12:10am by Lieutenant Commander Sawbones & Lieutenant Gareb th'Endilev & Petty Officer 2nd Class Corvus Hannah

870 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Genesis
Location: Sickbay, Starfleet One
Timeline: 2430-01-02, 09:00

The Long Term Medical Hologram Program, or LMH for short, was designed by Lewis Zimmerman to serve as a medical practitioner on a frequent basis in a location or situation where a person could not always be available. Essentially, the program was intended to serve anywhere that life support or living space was at a premium and where the primary mission does not require the doctor to leave Sickbay. Unlike the program's predecessor, the Emergency Medical Hologram, the LMH was not intended to be a short-term supplement, but instead a full member of the team.

Early in its designing phase the LMH was intended to have the appearance of Deep Space Nine's Chief Medical Officer: Lieutenant Julian Bashir. During its development, however, certain illegalities came to light that resulted in the program being shelved indefinitely. Work did continue, just not as fervently as in the beginning with Doctor Zimmerman focusing instead on the EMH over the LMH. It was a shame for many as the EMH was little more than an annoyance over time and lacked the bedside manner needed for some of the more critical care needs that it experienced. The LMH was different. It could interact naturally with patients for weeks at a time, share amusing stories, extend sympathy, swap dirty jokes, and even make meal recommendations.

Starfleet One was the beneficiary of having one of the first generation LMH units installed aboard. Unlike the previous generation, it was decided that the LMH would have the option of selecting its own appearance and facial attributes based upon templates provided. The LMH aboard Starfleet One had selected to base his appearance upon one of Starfleet's greatest doctors: Leonard McCoy. It even led to his nickname from the Admiral, which later became his true name: Sawbones.

Walking through the Sickbay of Starfleet One, Sawbones had been active for a little under half an hour and had already treated 3 colds, reset a broken leg, and recommended a wonderful egg dish. He walked up to the primary medical station when he saw several people standing there.

"Hello all," he greeted warmly.

"Hello," Hannah answered the newly arrived lieutenant commander. Though, on first glance, he wondered why someone of his more advanced years remained a mere lieutenant commander. But then again, maybe he was late to join Starfleet. He'd heard of that happening in the more specialized occupations.

Sawbones picked up a PADD from the workstation, "How are you today, Mr. Hannah?" The replica of Leonard McCoy typed on the handheld unit as he spoke, carefully checking the patient schedule as he spoke with the Medical Specialist.

"Fine, Doctor, thank you. Yourself?"

"All systems are go," he answered with a chuckle."

Gareb looked up and smiled. "Hello." He said, taking a sip of coffee he had before taking it to the replicator for recycling. "How are you today?""

"I'm functioning adequately, Doctor," Sawbones greeted. "I wish our patients could say the same. I have two surgeries on my docket for today."

"Makes me feel lucky," Hannah said as he glanced back at his own schedule. "Just a couple checkups on a minor sprained ankle, a dislocated shoulder from someone who has more ambition than talent when it comes to Parisees, then a few followups to physicals of Security." He shrugged. "Okay, I'm willing to trade that last for the surgeries...only people who are bigger babies in Medical than Security are the Marines."

Gareb laughed. "Well, and Captains." He grinned. "I can take the physicals off your hands or help with the surgeries. Either or."

"I could use the help with the surgeries if you want to scrub in," he smirked at the statement realizing that they didn't scrub anymore - instead they just walked through a high capacity sterilization field. "First one is in an hour."

"Well. Soap and water never really hurt anyone." Gareb said.

Sawbones smiled, "Excellent. We'll be in Surgical Bay 4. Should be fun."

"Soap and water never hurt anyone?" Hannah repeated. "Have you ever even met a Marine?" He chuckled at his own joke. "But," here he turned serious, "if you doctors wouldn't mind, I'd like to assist with the surgeries as well. If, that is, you think me capable. I wouldn't mind expanding my knowledge and skill base."

"The more the merrier," the hologram answered with a smile. "I could use the help."

"Thank you, Doctor," Hannah said, smiling and happy to be able to be included. One thing he had to admit is that his career choice was much more interesting since he became a combat medic. He knew he was learning more and above that of regular corpsman in the Fleet. "One hour, I should have my two patients done and ready to go by then."

"Excellent. We'll be ready to get started then," Sawbones answered. "We'll be using Surgical Bay 4. Actually I have to go get things ready," he picked up at PADD. "It's just an appendectomy so nothing too complex. See you then."

"Yes, sir," Hannah said, gathering his things so he could hurry to finish the ankle and shoulder patients. Followups could wait until after the surgeries. With his things gathered, he turned, stuffing his pack to find his patients.


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