What is your motive?
Posted on Mon Sep 7th, 2020 @ 6:19pm by Zoey Parker
Edited on on Sat Sep 12th, 2020 @ 3:56am
1,107 words; about a 6 minute read
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: 2430-01-09, 16:30
Ryan headed into the mess hall to get some breakfast before he started his day. Jasmine had had an early meeting and they were meeting for lunch.
After making his selections, he looked around and saw Lieutenant Parker sitting at a table and headed over and sat across the table from her. He could have asked but there was a crowd this morning there wasn’t anywhere else to sit.
“Morning,” Ryan said with a smile.
Zoey wondered what a Starfleet Captain wanted with her, and not just any Captain, but the one banging Jasmine Haynes. "Can I help you sir?" Zoey asked, a little surprised.
“I didn’t want anything in particular,” Ryan replied with a smile. “I needed a place to sit and I’ve been wanting to meet you.”
"Why? If I may be so bold, Sir?" Zoey asked, hoping he was not some weird stalker type of guy. That would be the ultimate revenge. Jasmine's guy be obssessed with her.
“You’re reading way too much I got this,” Ryan explained. “Look around, there aren’t many places to sit. I am a person who likes to mKe contact with the crew and the opportunity to say hello was here.” He looked at her. “I would wonder why you are suspicious, this is how most crew meet who don’t serve in the same areas together.”
"I did not even ask my question yet, sir." Zoey pointed out to him. He was dead on, but she wanted to bring up the point to him. She was not the only one being judgemental.
“Fair enough,” Ryan said after a moment. “Ask me what you intended and I will answer.”
“Fair enough,” Ryan said after a moment. “Ask me what you intended and I will answer.”
"Why did you want to meet me, was going to be bold question." Zoey asked, wondering if he had the hots for her.
“I have heard good things about you,” Ryan explained. “You have impressed crew since you have been here.”
"Thanks." Zoey said, thinking to herself, that this guy is trying to get down her pants. Her first thought, what a creep. She tried to play it off. "I am happy the crew sees me in that light." Zoey said, trying to keep the conversation about the crew, and not about him.
“That is good,” Ryan paused. “If my sitting here is making you uncomfortable I can move. I thought it was pretty common place for crew to sit together at dinner.” He gave her an out if she wanted to take it.
Was he getting the hint, she grinned as she knew he did. But she was not going to let him off that easy. Now she was going to rub it in, this is a girl you can not have, she said to herself. "I'm not uncomfortable, are you?" Zoey asked.
“Not at all,” Ryan replied. “I am comfortable with myself.” He changed the subject. “What is it you do on board?”
"I am trying to figure that one out too." Zoey said, with a big grin on her face. "On the file I am strategic operations, but I feel like I am alittle bit everywhere." She pointed out to him.
“Nothing wrong with that,” Ryan nodded, taking a bite of his food. “When promotions come up they will more than likely be looking for someone who does as asked.”
"I thought that was a base line, but they look for people who lead and excel in their roles." Zoey pointed out to him.
“Also for those who cross departments,” Ryan replied. “Fill roles as needed. You will get your chance one day.”
"I dont doubt it." Zoey said, with a grin on her face. "I know I will get there, I hope its on Starfleet One, but if not I will go where starfleet tells me." Zoey said, not really wanting to leave. She liked it on the ship, especially Patton.
“I feel the same way,”‘Ryan nodded. “I haven’t been here long but I have made some friendships and I really like it here.”
"But you are a politician, and will not always be here on the ship, do you both think you will be able to make it work?" Zoey hoped they would be able too. She did not want Jasmine trying to steal her man. She hoped that Ryan saw the bigger picture.
“I do,” Ryan said in reply. “It is done all the time, relationships within our fields.” He looked at Zoey. “There is no doubt in my mind.”
"I hope you are right, a womens heart is not very forgiving." Zoey pointed out to him. She feared what Jasmine would do to him, if he broke her heart.
“I plan to treasure her heart,” Ryan returned. “She deserves no less than that.” He smiled at her. “And you and Patton?”
"It's going great, but its not a fair comparrassion. We both work on the same ship, full time." Zoey pointed out to Ryan.
“Relationships are always challenging,” Ryan countered. “it isn’t all about the setting.”
"I would think its all about the communication." Zoey countered his silly notion.
“Like I said,” Ryan smiled easily. “We have no problems in that area.” He took a drink from his glass. “I wish you both well.”
"Likewise." Zoey said, as she raised her glass to him.
Ryan raised his in return and smiled as he took a drink. “Well, it seems that is settled.”
"It is?" Zoey asked, not sure exactly what they settled.
“Yes,” Ryan smiled. “Your happy with your relationship and I am with mine.”
"Did not realize this was a contest to see who was happy with their relationship. I was just offering dating advice." Zoey pointed out to him.
“It wasn’t,” Ryan smiled. “I am happy and confident in mine, I am not even sure how that came up. It wasn’t my intention to discuss, I just saw the empty seat and wanted to say hi.”
"I see." Zoey said, trying to read him. Was he trying to flirt again. She hoped not. She was not interested in him at all. "I am also at a loss for words, how that topic came to be."
“It’s all good,” Ryan murmured. “I need to get back to work, I have a few other crew to meet.” He looked at her. “It was good to meet you, Lieutenant.”
"You too Captain." Zoey said, as the scene starts to fade away.
Ryan nodded and headed on his way, not wanting to be late.