New Boots
Posted on Thu Feb 20th, 2020 @ 12:02am by Commander Galatea & Commander Nathan Hawkins & Lieutenant Commander Chire & Lieutenant Sonden & Lieutenant (J.G.) Dylan Blake & Cadet Senior Grade Anthony Porter
1,968 words; about a 10 minute read
Location: Observation Lounge, Starfleet One
Timeline: 2430-01-06, 16:00
Galatea stood next to the head of the table of the Deck One Observation Lounge carefully studying the setting before her. A series of datapads were laid out across the old oak table, one carefully placed at the fourteen seats in the expansive chamber. No matter how many times she had completed a new crew orientation she had always been as prim and proper as she could. Today was no different. They had several new personnel members transferring aboard from Gateway Station and she was looking forward to getting to meet them. Commander Hawkins would be along to assist her with the introductions as the new personnel made their way in.
Despite being a hologram she wanted to be as professional as possible. Pulling out a chair she sat at the head of the table and waited.
Technically the Creoli did not have to wear the Starfleet uniform shirts as they were entirely covered with feathers over their top half and therefore not naked as Humans were. But Chire had in fact insisted on one. She preferred to blend in as much as was possible for a large bird woman with wings. They had made holes for the wings but no matter how many times she was fitted for one and her measurements put into the replicator database, they always seemed to pinch her a little on the right wing. This was the one she had broken years before and she often wondered if somehow it were slightly different, though it worked just the same. Chire was told to meet her new commanding officer in the observation lounge and so she arrived a few minutes early as was generally her custom.
Galatea stood as the door slid open. She smiled, warmly, as she saw the newcomer enter, "Greetings, Commander Chire, my name is Galatea. It is nice to meet you."
"Likewise," Her feathers ruffled slightly as her beak clicked shut. Chire offered her hand in the traditional human greeting that was sometimes used in Starfleet. It seemed odd to her at first but she had since gotten used to it.
Taking a moment to compose himself, Sonden straighten his uniform. He smiled to himself about the new pip on his collar. His first new posting with his new rank. Though he reminded himself to limit is smile a little bit, to the human norms. The travel time between assignments without actual work was starting to drag on him. Taking in a breath, he stepped up to trigger the door and walk in, appropriate smile forward. He quickly looked around the room and focused on the two already there.
"Good day. I am Lt. junior grade Sonden." he said as he got closer. "I will be working in engineering." the amount of cheer he projected was palatable.
After shaking Chire's hand, Galatea looked toward the new arrival, "Nice to meet you, Sonden, I am Galatea."
Another recruitment arriving behind, Lieutenant Blake had already chided himself for gawking twice already this afternoon before he'd arrived at the briefing. He promptly reminded himself again as he stared openly both at Galatea and Chire as they moved around the observation lounge. Heat rose his in pale cheeks as the ships AI acknowledged him, embarrassed the young man quickly found interest in the wood grain of the vast conference table.
Commander Hawkins arrived behind them. He was momentarily taken aback by the sight of the feather wings protruding from the shoulders of the new recruit. It certainly wasn't a sight you saw very often, coupled with Kaldiran and Rrawran she'd fit in perfectly with the already diverse group. "Good afternoon," he greeting striding closer. He glanced at the arranged table: "I see you're still as efficient as normal Galatea."
"I try to be, Commander," the representative of Starfleet One said with a smile. She looked around as others started coming into the room to join them, smiling politely at each as they arrived to join them.
"Let's get started," she said standing next to the chair at the head of the table. "I am Commander Galatea, I am the Artificial Intelligence Monitoring Service avatar for this vessel. In short - I am a hologram representing the voice of the ship itself to the crew. My rank is not honorary, it is official and I fall into the Chain of Command for this ship." She indicated Commander Hawkins, "This is Nathan Hawkins, Second Officer and Chief of Strategic Operations aboard Starfleet One. We have been asked by the Admiral to welcome you each aboard and help to get you acquainted with this vessel."
"Thank you," Chire said quietly, her blue eyes studying everyone else.
The hologram smiled, "I'm a really big ship - only my sister ships are of similar stature - so we decided to start this orientation to help acclimate to life here. Before we get started yes this ship had a name before it became Starfleet One, yes it is still on the outer hull, no we don't usually call it that anymore under Presidential Order. Anything you'd like to say, Commander?"
Hawkins' lips twitched as Galatea explained the ships name, it was a habit many of the senior crew still hadn't been able to break - himself included on occasion. "Remember when the President is aboard he is an exceptionally busy man, do not address him unless spoken to. All your requests, question and inquires should be directed to your department heads."
Chire blinked at him and seemed to be already practicing as she didn't answer him verbally since he hadn't actually spoken her name.
The AI looked up from the table, "Additionally, Commander Hawkins is the Commanding Officer of our mission support vessel: the Spock. It is possible that in you day to day responsibilities you may be assigned to a mission aboard the Spock in conjunction with Commander Hawkins. Commander Chire and Lieutenant Sonden in your roles as Assistant Chiefs it is highly likely for you."
"The Spock is a matchbox compared to Starfleet One, so please remember to bring only the bare necessitates should you be assigned to join us on occasion." Hawkins added. "Though as small as she is the Spock has some impressive defences and teeth to match. These will be essential as the Spock is also designated to be the President's escape vessel in emergencies."
The Commander glanced at Galatea: "We should bring them up to speed with our current situation."
She was very interested in this part of the orientation and Chire sat up much straighter than she had been. Her wings brushed against each other but remained pinned behind her. A less experienced Ceroli might have lost control of them at this point, they always did seem to have a mind of their own.
Lt Sonden was all smiles and eagerness. The honor at being on this crew was almost overwhelming, and his smile kept creeping up to it's extreme.
Blake mirrored Sonden in his enthusiasm. He'd pinched himself during the AI's introduction just to make sure he wasn't dreaming.
From her vantage Galatea looked amongst the newcomers, "As any who have been on Gateway for a while are aware we have an unexpected guest: a Dominion Battleship. Starfleet One is here hosting a diplomatic overture from our one time enemy."
"You're joking?" Lieutenant Blake blurted out suddenly. Instantly his cheeks colour at his outburst: "Sorry sirs," he muttered avoiding the eyes upon him.
"This is no joke, Lieutenant," Hawkins assured them. "These talks could change the shape of our future and heal decades of hurt, therefore they are to taken with the upmost of seriousness." He glanced around the room again: "I'm sure I don't need to spell it out to you should these negations fail."
That certainly was something to raise eyes about. Chire opened and then closed her beak again. Of course it wasn't something she should voice concerns over, not when she was not in charge but that didn't mean they didn't surface in her. "No sir, I think we all know what would happen. Some may have lived it already."
Sonden hadn't heard about nor seen the Dominion ship. The huge smile deflated as the idea sank in. He mutters "One hand open, one hand guarded." And then more aloud, "I assume Starfleet believes in their sincerity at this point?"
Galatea looked at Hawkins a moment, "There have been limited diplomatic communications since we arrived here. We're hopeful for what is to come. She picked up a datapad and transmitted messages to each of them, "Your mission information and quarters assignments have been uploaded to your PADDs. We have a lot of interesting days ahead of us so I'd like to get one thing out of the way. If you have any questions or thoughts I monitor the ship all hours of the day. Just say my name and I'll appear. A member of the Command Staff is always available too to help you. This may be a big ship, it may be historic, but we're all here for one another. I can safely say that this ship has the best crew in the Fleet."
"If there are no questions we'll do a quick tour of the major shipboard locations?"
Chire nodded. She needed time for all this to sink in and she very much wanted a tour so that she couldn't get lost when it came time to report for duty. "Thank you Commander," she'd never heard of a hologram holding rank but it didn't seem wise to not use the correct rank at this time.
The AI smiled, "My pleasure."
Blake didn't have anything to add, he felt as if he'd already contributed for the wrong reasons already and did wish to embarrass himself further.
"Very well," Hawkins stood. "Shall we begin?"
The door to the observation lounge opened one more time, and a Human-looking Ensign stepped in. As all eyes swiveled towards him, Tony knew that not only was he late to the meeting, but that he was REALLY late to the meeting. He tried to look down, but was only able to do so after he managed to tear his gaze away from the Creoli who was seated at the table.
“Ummm... sorry I’m late, the Acting Ensign stammered, grimacing at the sound of his own voice. “I, uh...”...he walked in his red medical uniform to the nearest open seat, “...sorry,” he repeated quietly.
"Time management is something that the Admiral is highly focused on and intent on maintaining, Ensign. As today is your first day he will most likely give you a pass," Galatea smiled, "and because your father is his Doctor." Her normal almost scowl replaced the smile, "Well then, shall we begin the tour? Perhaps Ensign Porter would like to lead it? He has previously lived on this vessel."
Hawkins' brow crinkled at the AI as she attempted humour. Ash had mentioned Galatea had been slightly altered since returning from the Presever ship, perhaps she was referring to her new found sense of humour as he wasn't chuckling. The younger Porter looked utterly petrified at her suggestion, poor kid the Commander mused.
‘OH MY GODS! Why the Frick would she tell all these new people that his father is the Admiral’s doctor?!’ Tony wonder to himself incredulously. Was she actively trying to get others to hate him? He looked up at her, biting his tongue. “Well I was like 10 years old then,“ he felt all eyes still on him, “but OK… Sir,” he replied. maybe living on the same ship as his father and serving under him wasn’t the best idea at all. As if he had a choice.
Galatea smirked, "I will be happy to lead the tour, Ensign. If you will all follow me."