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Mon Mar 27th, 2023 @ 2:46am

Lieutenant Taylor Haines

Name Taylor Robert Haines

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species 3/4 Human - 1/4 Betazoid
Age 32

Physical Appearance




Personal History Hair: Blond
Height: 6’2”
General description: Taylor is tall, muscular, and broad. He is relatively handsome and although he generally carries himself pretty laid back, he can bring his full height and stature to bear.

Personality: Taylor is a rather quiet and reserved man. He is friendly when he interacts with people, but he generally has to be approached unless it is a duty issue.

Hand-to-Hand combat, phaser use, shuttle piloting, survival, swimming some minor Betazoid abilities, cybernetic arm and eye.

Not immensely outgoing, doesn’t like that he has a family heritage in Starfleet so he tries very hard to go a different path while in Starfleet, cybernetic arm and eye.

Skiing, rock and ice climbing, lacrosse, domjat, holo-vids, spending time in the gym.
Languages: Galactic common, some Vulcan, and some Klingon.


Taylor was born into a family line of Starfleet officers going back all the way to the pre-Kirk era. He had a normal childhood except for having minor Betazoid abilities as his mother was half Betazoid. He occasionally gets a slight tingle when someone was lying. His father was a former intelligence officer in Starfleet and his mother was a scientist in Starfleet and an instructor at the academy.

Taylor decided to go to Starfleet but to go into security as he was tired of hearing about all the great Haines commanders and scientists. He did pretty well in academy. He graduated in the top 25% of his class. His first assignment was aboard the USS Saratoga. Nothing major happened on the ship except for he discovered that the assistant chief security officer might be running a ring to sell Starfleet gear. Before he could complete his initial investigation, the assistant chief caught wind of his investigation and got him transferred to a distant research station on the planet Marktil 5 which was an ice planet.

Marktil 5 had a research station not only to study the planet itself as it had an interesting mix of life. In addition, given that it tended to have short spring and summer seasons there was a lot of dark which made it easy to study the stars with minimal atmospheric interference.

Initially Taylor was mad that he had gotten stationed there, but in a couple of weeks it started to grow on him. There were no great expectations to be a hero or to be out saving the galaxy. Just do your job and do it well. That is what he did.

Through others leaving as they did their stints and wanted to go off into the galaxy, Taylor made it to Assistant Chief, then Chief of Security earning promotions and his record spoke highly of his dedication to his job.
Although he wasn’t a scientist, he did accompany some of them for security on trips out into the wild. He learned how to ski and to climb rock and ice faces. All he enjoyed very much.

In addition, although he was not particularly out going, a woman, Andrea managed to get him out of his shell. They dated there for four years and even started to talk about maybe getting assignments more core-ward and perhaps even getting married.

Recently that all changed. The research station was attacked by a rogue group of Gorn. During the attack, the Gorn tried to hurt Andrea. Taylor intervened and fought the Gorn, which earned him a claw in the eye and his forearm getting bit off. He passed out from the pain. And although he and twenty others survived, Andrea didn’t.

Taylor spent three months at Starfleet Medical healing, getting cybernetic replacements, and learning how to use them. He has now been re-assigned to Deep Space 12.
Service Record Starfleet Academy: 2417-2421
USS Saratoga: 2421-2421
Martil 5 Research Station: 2421-2430
Starfleet Medical: 2431-2431
Deep Space 12: 2431- present